Category: Mac
This article reviews the MacBooster 7 and covers the updated features as well as answers to frequent questions on whether this version of the MacBooster is worth the hype. …
Our phones are incredibly important to our day to day lives. They have our contact information, our photos and videos that we want to save to look back on, …
There are utilities available that are meant to protect you from web browsing. BrowserSafeguard is one of these security web browsing utilities and its function is mainly on preventing …
If you are using a Mac OS, have you ever experienced an ad suddenly popping out while you are browsing? This is very common because this is a form …
MegaBackup is a backup service that works for both Windows and Mac. It is meant to protect the user’s personal data such as documents and photos from problems encountered …
When it comes to obnoxious apps on Mac, perhaps nothing is more annoying than those that push too hard to users trying to be useful. Israel-based Download Valley, for …